There Are Many beauties, But Few Who Shine From The Inside Out.
When I was a child, many people commented on my outward appearance, even though I was insecure with what I believed to be an array of flaws. Most adults would tell my parents, "Oh, she's so beautiful," and despite my insecurities, I heard these statements so many times that I started to believe them. And thank Goodness I had the father I did. My dad always reminded me how important it was to be a good person, and how it is more important to be beautiful on the inside than it is on the outside. I think all of us have a tendency to look in the mirror and see something negative or emphasize our flaws, but chances are that is not what the rest of the world is seeing. Don't get hung up on your looks; if you truly want to shine, being a good person and a good human being is the best thing you can do.
Ask yourself some tough and important questions. Look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself
- "Am I excepting of all races?"
- "Do I treat all people equally"
- "Do I do to others as I would want to have done to me"
- "Am I respectful of my elders"
- "Do I pay people compliments and mean it"
- "Do I really listen when I ask someone a question and they answer"
- "Do I hold doors for people, especially mothers with strollers and the elderly"
- "Do I give back to my community and give to charity"
- "Do I power trip"
- "Do I lead with my ego"
- "Do I remember that everyone has their own baggage"
- "Do I remember that you never know what is going on in someone else's life"
- "Do I leave people out in social settings or do I include them in conversation and make eye contact"
These are the kinds of questions you need to ask yourself. Being a good person and a good human being will make you shine. Notice it for yourself. You know you can think of someone, whether it's a friend or a teacher or mentor, who exhibits this trait. They might not be as hot as Christie Brinkley, but their kindness and inner beauty make them so much more beautiful.
Also, notice the opposite. How many people do you know with a "Gaston" complex - who are very good looking and in a position of power but are not so kind, or are egotistical? How unattractive and ugly do they become?
... to be Continued